Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Romney's ads show miners not paid during campaign stop What Romney’s Big Gaffe Gets Right Most Accurate Yet Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan to visit Indy Monday coal mine speech is questioned Dispatch Poll results Tight races put undecided voters in control Romney 'Victims' comment elegantly stated President Barack Obama returns Columbus Minnesota's supporters relieved furious after RNC vote Your Views tells Hoosier donors Mitt will U.S. back work Nearly half 'believe they are victims' controversial Bain old firm gives millions Democrats How's that again That's what we thought Democratic groups say budget favors rich Missouri Senate candidate's comments on rape stir outcry of all Americans AbdulHakim Shabazz could learn from my wife trying r

Mitt Romney's '47 percent' comments ripple across battleground map His comment, in a video revealed this week, is prompting expressions of shock — but also shrugs — from Nevada to Florida to New Hampshire and the handful of battleground states in between. Mitt Romney Tells Univision Audience His Campaign Is About 'The 100 Percent' The GOP presidential nominee was asked about his remarks about the "47 percent" of voters who support Obama. His answer showed that his approach to the issue continues to evolve. Romney also articulated his position on the economy and immigration. Mitt Romney's sparse campaign schedule worries some Republicans Mitt Romney has been holding fewer public campaign events than John McCain did in 2008. He has spent a lot of time fundraising away from key swing states. When the political conventions ended in 2008, GOP candidate John McCain bounded around the country like a jack rabbit. In three days, he went from Wisconsin to Michigan to Colorado to New Mexico to Missouri, with multiple campaign appearances ... Romney: Campaign about the 100 percent MIAMI — Mitt Romney said his campaign is about "100 percent" of Americans as his campaign continued to work to contain the fallout from controversial comments he made at a private fundraiser in May. Romney slams Obama's 'web of dependency' Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of fostering a "web of dependency," amid a bitter electoral battle over their competing visions for US society in an ever-nastier campaign. Romney says he would represent '100%' of Americans CORAL GABLES, Fla. — Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he would represent "100%" of Americans, striving to dampen a controversy that has dogged him since Monday, when video surfaced of him saying nearly half the nation's voters were dependent on the government and would never support him because he would not be able to convince them to take responsibility for their lives. Romney: 'My Campaign Is About the 100 Percent' GOP nominee Mitt Romney found himself on the defensive at a Wednesday forum with Latino voters, fielding sharp questions about his comments at a closed-door fundraiser, immigration reform, and Arizona's controversial immigration law before the event shifted to his preferred subject of the economy. Romney: 'This is a campaign about the 100 percent' Mitt Romney said his campaign is about "100 percent" of Americans as his campaign continued trying to contain the fallout from controversial comments he made at a private fundraiser in May. Mitt Romney's Iran Hallucinations Associated Press "So we really don't have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear… Is Mitt Romney right about a 'good jobs' dearth in US? (+video) Under fire for telling campaign donors that 47 percent of Americans are "dependent on government" and pay no income taxes, presidential candidate Mitt Romney has offered this clarification: What he wants is for more Americans to have jobs good enough that they do pay taxes.
Key Words: Mitt Romney


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