Thursday, May 10, 2012

President Obama endorses gay marriage cites Sasha and Malia Watch Jimmy Fallon Slow Jam the News [Video] Cracked's Dan O'Brien On Timing Whether Obama's Bad And Getting Serious Stephen Colbert Endorses Fox News' Hysterical Reaction to Late Night Appearance Jams on 'Fallon' Agree No Matter What Went Wrong It's Fault Vernon Davis of 49ers coming WHCA dinner The Con Law Prof Had Little Choice Gay Marriage Barack News... May 4 2012 Drone Ethics Is Unemployment Rate Really Dropping Psychology ObamaCare Debate Most OK With Contentious Arizona Immigration Romney Has Early Edge Over in Faceoff Majority Remarks Meant Intimidate Court Poll 83 Percent Voters Think US Still In Recession Election Gender Gap Cuts Both Ways GOP Student Loan Battle

Will Obama Finally Endorse Gay Marriage on ABC News? In less than an hour, President Barack Obama is scheduled to sit down for an interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts, and with the White House press briefing canceled, the big news expected to come from that talk is some clarification of Obama's position on gay marriage. Obama tells ABC News same-sex marriage should be legal (VIDEO) President Barack Obama said same-sex marriage should be legal, in an interview with ABC News. read more Obama's Next Gay Rights Issue On Wednesday, President Obama declared his evolution complete. In an interview with ABC News he said: "At a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married." For Obama, potential good news in Indiana, less so in North Carolina WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For Democratic President Barack Obama, Republican-leaning Indiana suddenly might be a little more winnable in the November 6 election. But North Carolina, a politically divided state where Obama will be in a close battle with Republican Mitt Romney, may have just gotten a little tougher for the president. Those were among the themes to emerge from uprisings among ... Americans divided as Obama endorses gay marriage Kate Varnum was at her Iowa home watching her newly adopted infant son when news flashed that Barack Obama had become the first sitting U.S. president to endorse equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. Obama says not surprised by would-be Yemen bomber WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama was not surprised that al Qaeda bomb makers were still determined to attack civilians, he said in a television interview that aired on Thursday, days after reports of a foiled airplane suicide bomber plot in the Middle East. Obama told ABC News in an interview taped on Wednesday that he was briefed on the would-be suicide mission in April ... Obama Cites Christian Faith In Support Of Gay Marriage On ABC News Interview In a stark reversal of what he's previously said about how his faith informs his views on same-sex marriage, President Barack Obama prominently cited his Christian background in a major ABC News interview on Wednesday where he came out forcefully in support of legalizing same-sex marriage. Weekly Standard: Obama's "Evolution" Is Insincere On Wednesday President Obama told ABC News that he supports same-sex marriage. Elliot Abrams of The Weekly Standard argues that the president's "evolving" views are politically motivated. Obama supports same-sex marriage On Wednesday, President Barack Obama told ABC News he supports same-sex marriages, but where does Congress currently stand on a constitutional amendment to ban such marriages nationally? ABC News: President Obama Speaks In Favor Of Marriage Equality President Obama tells ABC News that he now supports same-sex marriage...
Key Words: obama news


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