Friday, February 10, 2012

CNN suspends Roland Martin for 'offensive' Super Bowl tweets PFLAG's Leo Romo responds to analyst Martin's controversial twitter comments during Suspends For Tweets Sideshow suspended Tattle Tweet takes air out of guy MARTIN MAY TWEETS COST CNN'S HIS JOB Suspended by 'Regrettable and Offensive' Political deemed 'offensive Watch 'The View' on ROLAND SUSPENDED OVER DAVID BECKHAM HOMOPHOBIA REMARKS Over Twimmolation Alert Gets His Ascot in Hot Water at 'Offensive' Remarks over antigay Pundit Beckham jibe

Annette John-Hall: CNN pundit's tweets should spark discussion So, Roland Martin's suspension has some black folks up in arms. Looks like CNN's indefinite canning of its ascot-wearing, progressive pundit has many of his supporters indignant. Some of them have even begun an online petition drive to get him back on the network sooner. Roland Martin to meet with GLAAD after CNN suspension for homophobic tweets Roland Martin, a political contributor to CNN, was suspended after tweets he sent during the Super Bowl sparked complaints from GLAAD and other groups that claimed the tweets promoted anti-LGBTQ violence. As Lisa de Moraes reported : Read full article >> Roland Martin suspended by CNN for 'offensive' tweets Roland Martin suspended by CNN for 'offensive' tweets NEW YORK (AP) — CNN suspended political analyst Roland Martin on Wednesday for "offensive" tweets during the Super Bowl that some critics said were anti-gay. Martin commented on Twitter about a commercial during the Super Bowl that showed soccer star David Beckham in underwear: "If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham ... CNN suspends Roland Martin for 'offensive' Super Bowl tweets CNN has suspended political analyst Roland Martin for two Super Bowl tweets that rights activists said advocated violence against gay men. Roland Martin Suspended: 7 Tweets That Got Celebrities Fired CNN analyst Roland Martin has been suspended indefinitely after posting several homophobic tweets during the Super Bowl. Martin has agreed to meet with GLAAD, a gay rights group, and CNN has condemned them as "regrettable and offensive." But compared to other Twitter controversies, Martin got off easy: for seven other celebrities, their tweets got them fired. CNN suspends Roland Martin over Super Bowl tweets Feb 08 ( - CNN has suspended commentator Roland Martin over tweets during the Super Bowl that GLAAD and others blasted as homophobic. Sideshow: Roland Martin suspended CNN has suspended Roland Martin for tweeting "offensive" remarks demeaning gays on Sunday. Shocking: The cable news network finally decided to do something after taking a demure three-day time-out. CNN suspends Roland Martin for homophobic, violent tweets CNN political analyst belittled men wearing pink and the near-naked H&M David Beckham ad via Twitter during the Super Bowl--tweets that some critics say were anti-gay and violent. Debbie Hines: A Teachable Moment for CNN's Roland Martin and GLAAD Two wrongs don't make a right. Roland Martin's offensive tweets were wrong. GLAAD's handling of the matter was also wrong. Hopefully, CNN will not make a third wrong in firing Roland Martin or delaying his on air comeback. Roland Martin: Twitter Reactions to CNN Contributor's 'Indefinite Suspension' Journalist Roland Martin was suspended "indefinitely" from CNN today, after coming under criticism for a Super Bowl tweet that many found homophobic
Key Words: roland martin


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